Not being able to edit is a big issue. Due to other extraneous issues, we have already had to move our dates further and are behind the original schedule. I want to make sure we finish our project on time, but because of the computers not working, we have many difficulties. Also, my group member is out sick today, so I had to make sure all the work was completed for the both of us. I hope that next class we can get a lot of work done to compensate for all these issues. Our filming process was really easy, meaning we only have a few shots to put into editing. This will make our lives much easier when we continue editing on Wednesday. Today I was able to go back to our storyboard and go over the editing I wrote on the paper. I changed some things based on what we filmed. However, the basis of the commercial stayed the same.
Lucky for us, I brought my computer from home to school today. I was able to dump our film from the computer to the flash drive and onto my computer. On my computer I have iMovie. I was unable to begin editing because of how long it took to log onto the school computer and transfer the film. At least now the footage is on a secure flash drive and desktop. Now that I have the film in a reliable place, I can feel more comfortable with the state of our commercial. The complications of the day really stressed me out about the project. Hopefully we can get our commercial to the best it can be in time for the due dates. Editing the commercial should be really easy. Based on what we have, I am really excited to see how our commercial is going to turn out.